
Kana cards to print and practice


Here you can easily download cards to help you remember hiragana and katakana! Also, online you can practise the kana you've already memorised. The site can be displayed in English or German.

  • You can make hiragana and katakana flashcards.
  • You can check the hiragana and katakana you've learned online.
  • You can choose a single line of the Japanese syllabary you find particularly difficult, then practise that line only.
  • There are also pages in German.

How to...

It's also easy to make flashcards.
Printing out double-sided cards is no problem either, as you are given instructions on how to turn the paper around to do so.

We tried printing out our own cards using thick paper.

You can start a quiz from here.

If, say, you wanted to practise the hiragana "A-line" and "Ha-line" and the katakana "Ra-line" only, you would add checkmarks here, here and here.

During the quiz, kana from your chosen "行" (lines) are displayed at random, and you enter the reading for each.

This site is also introduced in an "e! Kore" article called For those who just can't seem to remember.... If you're interested, please stop by to have a read.

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