Here you can view - in 23 different languages - expressions and vocabulary often used in 10 typical scenes of Japanese school life. It is a Japanese textbook for use by foreign children and students, created by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education. You can download and print PDF files of the content, making this a convenient multi-language learning material.
- You can find out information about, and learn conversation necessary for, school life in Japan.
- The website is aimed at children, but will be useful for any beginners who have just begun learning Japanese greetings, basic conversation and so on.
- There are illustrations included, making it easy to understand.

Contents list
"Greetings and Replies" in English and Spanish
Although the language changes, the basic layout remains the same, so it is easy to understand.
How to...
To get here from the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education top page, follow the instructions below.
From the section marked '学校' (School) towards the bottom of the top page, click on '指導資料・報告書等' (Guidance materials/Reports etc.).
In that menu there is an item called '外国人児童・生徒用日本語テキスト (たのしいがっこう)' (Japanese text for foreign children & pupils, "Fun School").
You can select the language (English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese) from the upper right corner of the screen.
This site was recommended to us through the eな Information station.