


This is a website that offers free flashcards and study games. It's useful for language learning.

  • You can either look for pre-made flashcards you can use to practise, or create your own to practise with the 'Make your own set' function.
  • You can share the cards you make with your friends.
  • Besides the basic premise of looking at cards and memorising language, the website keeps track of scores and lets you study in a fun way through game-style activities.
  • For Japanese, besides hiragana, katakana and kanji there are lots of different kinds of pre-made cards available.

How to...

On the very bottom of the page, there is a "Help" link.
On the "Help Center", what you can do with Quizlet is written here.

On the top of the page, you can start creating by clicking "Create a Study set".
Please sigh in with a Google, Facebook, or email account.

We tried selecting 'Hiragana' from the Japanese flashcard set.

There are six learning options: 'Flashcards', 'Learn', 'Speller', 'Test', 'Scatter' and 'Space Race'.

In the Learn mode you record your scores, and any questions you give incorrect answers to are given again.
In the Test mode you make different tests where you can customise the way you answer. The 4 types of question are Written, Matching, Multiple Choice and True/False.
In Flashcards Mode, some sounds may be incorrect, so you should be careful.

We tried out the Learn mode.
The question appears written in romaji - you have to type the corresponding hiragana into the input box and check the answer.
The next image screenshot shows the Check Correct Answers screen.

The number in blue top the left of the screen shows the number of questions remaining.
In this case there are 99 questions left.
The numbers in red and green underneath show the number of incorrect and correct answers given.
The question was "tsu" written in romaji, so we inputted the matching hiragana, "つ".

In the Test mode, various types/formats of question are shown.

When you've tried the test, click on the 'Check Answers' button at the bottom.

Let's take a look at 'Scatter'.

Hiragana and romaji appear scattered across the screen. You have to make pairs either by dragging and dropping the romaji onto the matching hiragana, or dragging the hiragana over to the corresponding romaji.

If you get the correct pairing of hiragana and romaji both fade and disappear.

Now let's look at 'Space Race'.

Words scroll from the left to the right of the screen.
Before they scroll past the screen completely and disappear, you should type in the answer (i.e. the corresponding term) and press the Enter key.

If you get the answer correct, the word vanishes.

You can print words cards from the set, or change combinations of the cards. If you click on the speaker icons you can listen to audio.

So you can register your own set of cards and choose either to study or play games using them - convenient and fun, I'm sure you'll agree!
You can even share the workload by making a set of cards with a group of friends.
There are lots of possibilities to explore, so why not give this website a try?

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