
Multilingual Search Tool for Words Regarding Schools


This is a multilingual search tool for finding words regarding school.
You can search for words regarding education in multiple languages used all over Japan on the internet.

  • Words regarding school, education, and daily life can be searched for.
  • Currently (As of Sept. 30 2019), you can select from Japanese, Hiragana, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Filipino, Korean, English and Thai.
  • The display language is only available in Japanese.

How to...

On the left side of the page, once you select a language (「言語」) and the glossary (「用語集」) you would like to look up, a list comes up.

In the above image, you can see the search results from searching after selecting "Japanese"(「日本語」), "Hiragana" (「ひらがな」), "English" (「英語」) from the language (「言語」) section, and the "Calendar terms" (「予定表用語」)and "Daily Life Words (Education)" (「生活用語(教育)」) from the glossary (「用語集」) section.

When you would like to reset the language (「言語」) or the glossary (「用語集」), click the orange button at the top left of the page that says "Reset Selection" (「選択項目のリセット」).

Also, if you would like to hide the language (「言語」) and glossary (「用語集」) selection boxes, click the second button on the left labeled "Close Selection List" (「選択項目リストを閉じる」).

In this way, you can make a words list in the language that you need, and you can also search using keywords, search using the sounds, and search using words regarding education and daily life.

Search Zone

From the top page, if you click  "Word Search" (「用語検索」) under "Search" (「さがす」), you can get to this page.

Last update