What can you do?
- This app is useful for studying and reviewing Beginner Japanese even if you are not using the Japanese for Busy People text.
- You can study with just the words you don’t remember.
- You can adjust the speed of conversations to match your level.
- You can study important phrases.
- You can check your understanding of the lesson with quizzes.
- Even if you don’t have the textbook, you can study Beginner Japanese.
How to...
The Lite version contains Lessons 1-5.
The contents are the following:
WORD POWER is flash cards. By pressing the Play button, audio is played. From the settings, you can change if English, Romaji, and Kana are displayed. From the Memorized button, you can study only the words you haven’t memorized yet.
In TARGET DIALOGUE(S) and SHORT DIALOGUE(S), there is audio of the conversation and the script.
Also, you can choose to play the audio back in Normal or Slow mode.
You can change display settings and also view a vocabulary list.
In the QUIZ section, you can check what you’ve learned in the lessons and review the questions you answered incorrectly. There are quizzes involving picking the correct word from the illustration, listening to the audio and selecting the correct English word, or selecting the correct particle and more.
Also, in the ADDITIONAL STUDIES, you can study important phrases that were not covered in the WORD POWER, TARGET DIALOGUE, or SHORT DIALOGUE sections. There is no audio in this section.