What can you do?
- There are vocabulary and example sentences using the kana you are learning.
- You can check the stroke order.
- You can listen to the pronunciation of a Japanese speaker.
- Compatible with 14 different languages.
How to...
Start by pressing the start button.
Select the language by pressing the rightmost icon in the red box below.
You can practice by line.
If you want to see a different line, select from the area in the red box.
Tap the pencil icon for the stroke order.
The memo icon will show you vocabulary and example sentences that use that kana. If you want to hear the pronunciation, tap the microphone icon.
The microphone icon is for audio.
If you want to practice katakana, tap the 「あ/ア」 icon on the bottom right and the screen will change to katakana.
There are also modified syllables.