Can do
- You can learn words to express feelings.
- You can see 200 different picture cards with nouns, verbs, adjectives, and other everyday words.
- You can search for words by category: e.g. 'ひと (people)', 'どうぶつ (animals)', 'ばしょ (places)', 'じかん (time)', 'きもち (feelings)', 'じょうたい (condition)', or 'しつもん (questions)'.
- Arrange the picture cards to make sentences.
- Every card comes with audio.
- You can also use your favorite photos and own recordings to make original cards.
- Display is only in Japanese.
How to...
Press and hold the part shown in the red frame to see the menu.
From the menu, tap '言葉 (language)', then choose '日本語 (Japanese)' as the language you want to learn.
Press 'すべて (all)' shown in the red frame to see picture cards with words used daily.
Find tabs at the bottom of the screen for the categories such as 'じかん (time)', 'きもち (feelings)' and 'すること (things to do)'.
For example, if you press 'きもち (feeligs)', you see words that describe feelings, such as 'すき(like)' and 'うれしい (happy)'.
Slide your finger along the illustration at the bottom to choose the card you want and it will show up in the deck at the top of the screen
Let's try it with the word 'きもち'.
Press on your favorite word from those shown. You will hear the audio and the card will be displayed in the deck above (brown area).
For example, when you press 'すき', you will hear the audio for 'すき' while the 'すき' card shows in the brown deck.
The deck will show up to three cards at one time.
For example, if you choose 'ねこ (cat)' from 'どうぶつ' and 'すき' from 'きもち', 'ねこ' and 'すき' will be displayed together.
When you press start (▶), you will hear the audio for the two cards, 'ねこ' and 'すき' in succession.
Particles are not shown, so you can only connect the words but you can line the pictures up to hear the audio for combinations such as 'こうえん いく (go the park)' 'ぱん いくら?(how much the bread?)', or 'でんしゃ がっこう いく (streetcar go school)'.
You can add new pictures of your choice, record your voice, and make your own original cards.
Go back to the menu button and select 'カードをつくる (create card)'. Press the '+つくる' button.
Place the object you want to make into a card, press '写真撮影( the photo)' button, and your card is ready to be made.
Try making a card with a calendar, for example. When you take a photo of the calendar, a microphone button appears. Press the microphone button and say 'カレンダー (calendar)'. You can record the name of the card you newly created.
You can enter the name or the text for the new card in the area shown in the red frame.
You can select and save only the cards that you frequently use.
Press 'デッキの編集 (edit deck)' to show the deck and the cards you've used so far.
You can select up to eight cards that you want to display.
After you do that, select 'デッキのみ (deck only)' and press the arrow (←) at the top of the screen to close the Menu page. Only the cards you have selected will be displayed.
This app has an iOS version, too. (Introduction article)
Although this app was not developed for foreign learners of Japanese, matching cute pictures with words could be a fun way to learn simple verbs and vocabulary that express feelings.