
Review the textbook online! - "Japanese for Busy People" version

How are you preparing for, or reviewing, your Japanese classes?

On the internet you can find sites containing supplementary learning materials to help you prepare for, or to review, lessons from certain textbooks.

Obviously, not all Japanese textbooks are catered for, but the sites that there are can be very useful, not only for lesson preparation and review, but also to help you practise your quiz-technique.

Let's look at some study websites designed to run alongside the "Japanese for Busy People" series of textbooks.

Writer: Association for Japanese-Language Teaching (AJALT)
Publisher: Kodansha International Ltd.

Learning Supplements

This site was made to go with "Japanese for Busy People 1".
You can learn about numbers, time, verbs, adjectives and more.
As animation and audio snippets are also included, the site is very easy to understand, so even those who don't have a copy of the textbook can use it with no problems.
These contents are part of Online Japanese (Introduction article).

Rosa's blog

Here, the written content is the same as that found in the workbook for "Japanese for Busy People 2".
English translations, audio and photos are all included, and the site is also useful for listening comprehension practice.

These contents are part of Online Japanese (Introduction article).

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