When practicing kana or kanji, we gathered some sites that let you download the square practice sheets used in vocabulary notebooks.
We’ll introduce not only sites for writing practice, but downloadable kana charts and essay papers!
文芸社 (Bungeisha)
From the Bungeisha site, you can download original essay paper sheets.
They’re useful for writing essays.
There are two styles, handwritten and direct typing available, and you can download them in Word or PDF formats.
ちびむすドリル (Chibimusu Drill)
You can download a notebook for kanji practice.
If you click “漢字の練習ノート (Kanji Practice Notebooks)”, there are sheets for practicing 50 to 200 characters.
Other than kanji practice, there are downloadable maps of Japan and the world etc.
Choose from the menu on the left.
こどもの日本語ライブラリ (Children's Japanese Library)
This site allows you to download the “Kana Practice for Foreign Children in phonetic order Practice Book”.
You can study kana or general Japanese topics, such as vocabulary as well.
You don’t have to go out and buy a notebook, so they are convenient for practicing!