
Enjoying Shodoo

Here are some contents to help you study shodoo while you watch and listen to explanations about it.

JF Japanese e-Learning Minato Shodoo A1 Self-Study CourseIntroduction article

If you have never done shodoo or have tried it but never learned the basics, why not start by experiencing the online JF Japanese e-Learning Minato course developed by the Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai?

This is a free self-study (about one hour) course.

Japanese Calligrapher Takumi on YouTube

This is a Japanese calligrapher's YouTube channel.
You can narrow down your search to '日本語 Japanese Learning' to see videos that teach you how to write kana with examples of how to draw the letters beautifully.

If you narrow it down to '書道習字 初心者向け For Calligraphy Beginners' you can learn how to clean your ink and other techniques.

'難しい漢字 Difficult Kanji' is also worth watching.

HIROGARU -a site for experiencing Japan and Japanese language through your own language-(Topic & Watashi 'Shodoo')

In the next site you can listen to Japanese people talk about their experiences with shodoo.

Eight Japanese people are asked questions about shodo and each one answers.
There are summaries of their talks too, but the videos are only about 20 seconds long so they're easy to watch and listen to.
It's a good way to practice listening comprehension, too.

Hirogaru offers a variety of articles about shodoo that will help you practice your reading and understanding as well.

With shodoo as your topic, you'll be able to learn the basics, enjoy looking at, listen to and learn from people's stories, and read and understand!

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