
We made a collection of resourses for Arabic speakers.

Now that we're seeing more and more multilingual websites and apps for learning Japanese, this time we have collected resources for speakers of Arabic, who would like to learn Japanese.

Understand the concepts of Japanese.

ArapoN... a bridge between the Arab nations and Japan

Through associations with Arabic, the basic sentence structure, word order, characters, and more about Japanese are explained in a way that's easy to understand.
Japanese and Arabic are compared to explain the pronunciation of the two languages.
This would surely be helpful for beginners who are just starting out.

Learn Japanese grammar.

日本語らくだNihongorakuda(Introduction article)

This is a site created by the University of Jordan's Japanese language education programme. There are beginner-level grammar explanations written in Arabic.

It is the same as the Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1: Beginner Japanese textbook, with 25 Units.
You can learn grammar more realistically by watching videotaped conversations.
Deepen your understanding of what you learned through dialogues, vocabulary, sentence pattern explanations, Q&A, and comprehension test.
Text is displayed in both Japanese and Arabic.

You can practice and learn at your own pace with confidence because you can replay the video as often as you need to.

Learn "kana"

Japanese-created training for the Japanese syllabaries(Introduction article)

Choose Arabic from the language settings to see explanations and vocabulary definitions in Arabic.

You can learn letters on your smartphone anytime, anywhere, with ease.

(Only available on iOS.)

Translate from voice.

VoiceTra(Android)Introduction article

This app can translate between Arabic and Japanese with voice recordings or text input.
Here's how to use it.

First choose Arabic and agree with the terms of use.

If you translate from Japanese, you can use voice.
Tap the microphone and speak Japanese. You will see the translation.

To translate from Arabic, you need to enter the text.(There is no voice translation from Arabic.)
Tap the pencil icon and enter the text.

If you think the translation is awkward, tap the second icon from the right and report it.

(This app has an iOS version, too. Introduction article)

Download and save teaching materials.

Japanese textbook for non-Japanese preschoolers and elementary school children,「たのしいがっこう」 (School is Fun) (Introduction article)

It is a Japanese textbook for use by foreign children and students, created by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education.

Being able to download the PDF file and print it out to have on hand makes this convenient for people who want to take their time studying Japanese.

It shows vocabulary and expressions commonly used in 10 scenes of Japanese school life, in 22 languages.

Choose Arabic here to learn about school life and important conversations, in Arabic.

Originally for non-Japanese preschoolers and elementary school students, the basic conversations such as greetings are recommended for people who are just beginning to speak Japanese.

Understand the cultural society of Japan today.

nippon.comIntroduction article

This is a multilingual website that introduces various aspects of modern Japan, including culture, society, politics and economics.
There are 8 categories: Politics, Economy, International・Overseas, Society, Culture, Science・Technology, Daily life and Sports・Tokyo 2020.
You can read opinions on various topics from experts on the field.
It offers interesting background news on Japanese culture, and good reading practice for advanced learners.

What do you think? Whether you're thinking about learning Japanese or studying it now, it would make me feel happy, if you could find something here to help you.

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