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[Writing] [Advanced] Site search (4)
Shuukatsu Jumpstart
This is a Japanese language learning site to help international students who are looking for employment in Japan find jobs through the hiring process where companies simultaneously recruit new graduates.
用例.jp Japanese Example Sentence Search Book
When you want to look up ways to use words, is an engine that can get you example sentences using those words.
≪Karin≫Japanese Commonly-Paired Words Checker
This is a collocation search system for learners of the Japanese language that can be used on mobile devises, too.
日本語作文作成支援システムなつめ (Natsume: Japanese composition-writing support system)
For times when even if you look something up in the dictionary you're still not sure of it's correct usage, here you can look up whether or not it is often used in sentences actually written by Japanese native speakers.
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