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[Advanced] Site search (114)
Japanese Pronunciation Laboratory
This site teaches you the characteristics of Japanese pronunciation.You can learn with ease by listening carefully to the audio, then after you grasp the characteristics of the pronunciation, imitate the sounds.
This is a language learning Q&A site where you can ask and answer questions with native speakers of more than 170 countries.
This site in English, is mostly about travel and filled with information on Japanese life and culture! Find a great deal of information about different parts of Japan.
用例.jp Japanese Example Sentence Search Book
When you want to look up ways to use words, is an engine that can get you example sentences using those words.
ひきだすにほんご Activate Your Japanese! Content Library
Japanese language learners who want to live and work in Japan can enjoy acquiring strategies to maximize their Japanese language skills while watching videos.
Furigana Bunko
You can search vocabulary and look up examples of usage from the "furigana" of works published in the Aozora Bunko.
"Nijiiro" Rainbow Color
This is a website that provides information to those who want to study in Japan and those who are currently studying in Japan.
ルビ振りひらがな変換 (rubi hiragana conversion)
This is a site where you can easily convert sentences with mixed kanji and kana to all hiragana, with one click.
Roudoku Café
This is a site where you can listen to literary works in Japanese.
≪Karin≫Japanese Commonly-Paired Words Checker
This is a collocation search system for learners of the Japanese language that can be used on mobile devises, too.
NHK for school 歴史にドキリ(History is Amazing)
An NHK site made for Japanese 6th graders to learn about the history of Japan. Ideal for advanced learners of Japanese to study listening and reading comprehension.
You can listen to the news of the day on NHK Radio at the speed of your choice.
漢字Japanese kanji Dictionary
A kanji dictionary to look up kanji and words. It has lots of characters and a wealth of information.
数え方辞典ONLINE (Kazoekata Jiten ONLINE)
This is a dictionary to look up counter words to use when counting something.
This is a useful web magazine for foreigners who want to know about Japan. The reports are by writers who actually go to the sites and write about what they experienced.
This is a site where you can learn Japanese comprehensively with tremendous content and manage your learning progress with Kanshudo AI.
This tool converts text into speech.Download the voice data and listen to it over and over again. This tool is useful for times like when you need to practice before a presentation.
英辞郎(EIJIRO) on the WEB
This is an online English to Japanese, Japanese to English dictionary. It has lots of new vocabulary and specialist vocabulary, and there are plenty of example sentences too.
This is the home page for AI Inc., a voice synthesizer company. There is a demonstration corner where you can select from various character’s voices and have them read back text to you.
Bungo Nyûmon : A Brief Introduction to Classical Japanese
This site introduces, in a simple way, grammar patterns and notation styles to help you read Japanese classics.
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