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[Kanji] [Intermediate] Site search (28)

  • 漢字Japanese kanji Dictionary

    A kanji dictionary to look up kanji and words. It has lots of characters and a wealth of information.

  • Kanshudo

    This is a site where you can learn Japanese comprehensively with tremendous content and manage your learning progress with Kanshudo AI.

  • Associative Kanji Learning

    Using this site you can study the kanji learned by elementary school students in Japan and textbooks such as "Genki", "Minna no Nihongo" and so on.

  • Japanese in Anime & Manga

    This is a site where you can have fun learning Japanese in action, in anime and manga. It's filled with contents and categories including character expressions, ninja kanji, onomatopoeia, and love word.

  • Japanese Learning Support Site RAICHO

    You can practise hiragana, katakana, elementary grammar and pronunciation using its Japanese study content. There is also a list of readings and meanings of terms used in computing.

  • Kanji Koohii

    This site is designed as a supplementary tool for learners studying the kanji using James Heisig's "Remembering the Kanji" method. You can make flashcards to help you memorise the kanji.

  • MARUGOTO Plus Elementary 2 (A2)

    You can enjoy learning with videos and quizzes on Japanese language and culture in line with the contents of the coursebook, MARUGOTO: Japanese Language and Culture, which conforms to the JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education.   

  • Learning and Teaching Japanese

    The basics of Japanese are carefully explained here, making it a very useful site for people who are thinking about starting to learn Japanese, or for Japanese learners who have just begun their studies.

  • 漢字書き順辞典(Kanji stroke order dictionary)

    This kanji lookup dictionary recognizes handwriting.

  • Kiki's Kanji Dictionary

    You can look up kanji via list organised by radical. The site also has a Google search function.

  • 介護の漢字サポーター(Caregiving Kanji Supporter)

    This is a site where you can look up the kanji, and associate single kanji, two-kanji words and terminology with another used on each subject of the National Examination for Care Workers.

  • RomajiDesu

    This is a site that uses Jim Breen’s Japanese Dictionary and his Kanji Dictionary to create an online dictionary site that also lets you convert romaji into hiragana and katakana.

  • Kanji alive

    This is a web-based tool to help beginner and intermediate level Japanese language learners to read and write kanji. It is free, but there are certain system requirements necessary to use it.

  • CosCom Learn Japanese

    On this site there are lots of learning materials for beginners, intermediate and intermediate-to-advanced learners. You can study all aspects of Japanese with materials for practical-use vocabulary and expressions, conversation, hiragana and katakana, complete with audio.

  • 凸凹小学校 ゲームで勉強しよう(DekoBoko Elementary School - Learn through games!)

    This website is aimed at Japanese elementary school students, but the kanji, hiragana and katakana games found in the KOKUGO (Japanese language) section are good practice for foreign learners of Japanese too.

  • Learning Japanese through Kanji

    These are Japanese reading materials designed for upper-intermediate level learners. These readings look at 200 basic kanji characters one at a time, explaining in simple terms how each one came about, how the meaning of each has changed and so on. This website forms part of AJALT Online's teaching materials.

  • KanjiRepeater

    This is a website where you can practise the 1,006 "kyouiku kanji" (all the characters taught in Japanese primary schools, separated by grade).

  • JOSHU – Japanese Online Self-Help Utility

    This is a self-study site where you can try some hiragana/katakana practice, or verb conjugation and particle practice. You can also watch videos showing Japanese culture seen through the eyes of American university students.

  • Online Japanese Tests

    On this site you can try quizzes on Japanese grammar, vocabulary, kanji, listening and reading comprehension and JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) questions. As well as English, the site has support for Chinese and Korean.

  • Kanji searches at

    Here you can search for kanji by their components, or by writing them freehand. This is particularly convenient if you don't know the reading of the kanji you want to look up.

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