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[Culture-Society] Site search (42)
Things To Do
This is the website of Japan's National Tourism Organization. Here you can find lots of information related to Japan and Japanese culture alongside photographs.
International University of Japan “Lesson For Useful Expression in Japanese”
This is a series of videos to help beginners learn Japanese. There are 10 videos showing sequences in a story style to help you easily learn how a dialogues between two people are spoken.
Japanese Cuisine - Cooking Japanese Food at Home
Introduces a variety of Japanese household cuisine with pictures.
世界の国旗(National Flags of the World)
Lets you search for world flags and obtain basic information about that country.
The Japan Forum
This is a site managed by The Japan Forum with the aim of promoting "learning and exchange in language and culture". Contents include 'Student Exchange', 'Japanese Language Education', 'Chinese Language Education' and 'Korean Language Education'.
凸凹小学校 ゲームで勉強しよう(DekoBoko Elementary School - Learn through games!)
This website is aimed at Japanese elementary school students, but the kanji, hiragana and katakana games found in the KOKUGO (Japanese language) section are good practice for foreign learners of Japanese too.
語源由来辞典 (Dictionary of Word Origins)
This is a website where you can find out the etymology/origins of Japanese words in dictionary form. The derivations of Japanese words, Japanese events and Japanese customs are explained.
On this site you can see NHK's (Japan's national broadcasting company) news and information on the channel's TV programmes.
This is a website that offers explanations on Japanese language and culture by using things encountered in daily life as learning materials.
This is a website that introduces useful information about Japan and the Japanese language in a fun way, in blog form.
Meiji University e-Learning System
This is a website for beginner-level learners, where you can learn about hiragana, katakana, greetings and some Japanese signs.
福娘童話集 Hukumusume Fairy Tale Collection
This is a website where you can hear traditional folk tales, legends and fairy stories - from Japan and all around the world - read aloud for you in Japanese.
sci.lang.japan Frequently Asked Questions
This website presents a convenient collection of Frequently Asked Questions about Japan and the Japanese language.
You can learn the kind of language often used in Japanese schools, including greetings, conversation and classroom instructions.
JOSHU – Japanese Online Self-Help Utility
This is a self-study site where you can try some hiragana/katakana practice, or verb conjugation and particle practice. You can also watch videos showing Japanese culture seen through the eyes of American university students.
Digital EHON (Picture Book) Site
On this site you can read, and listen to, Japanese folklore tales in 12 different languages, with accompanying pictures.
Japanese Songs
Using this site you can listen to Japanese songs and see the lyrics in both Japanese and English. The tunes are a mixture of nursery rhymes, songs learned in school, folk songs and so on.
Web Japan
Using this site you can find out about Japanese society and culture through a range of contents.
This site introduces Japanese kids' playtime, mainly looking at children's games during the Showa era.
Origami Club
This site introduces lots of drawings and animations for how to fold various origami shapes.