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[Culture-Society] [Beginner] Site search (34)

  • HiNative

    This is a language learning Q&A site where you can ask and answer questions with native speakers of more than 170 countries.

  • しごとのにほんご Easy Japanese for Work

    In this website based on Easy Japanese for Work broadcast on NHK WORLD - JAPAN, you can learn Japanese that is useful for work.


    This site in English, is mostly about travel and filled with information on Japanese life and culture! Find a great deal of information about different parts of Japan.

  • Learn Japanese from the News

    Learn Japanese used in the news and learn about what's in the news.Practice conversing about the content.

  • "Nijiiro" Rainbow Color

    This is a website that provides information to those who want to study in Japan and those who are currently studying in Japan.

  • NHK WORLD-JAPAN Easy Travel Japanese

    On this site you can watch episodes of "Easy Travel Japanese", aired on NHK WORLD-JAPAN TV, for free. You can learn that "one phrase" that is useful for travelers in Japan.

  • NHK WORLD-JAPAN やさしい日本語(Easy Japanese) Conversation lessons

    This website was created in conjunction with the NHK World-Japan radio program (supervised by the Japan Foundation Japanese International Center). Enjoy learning phrases and grammar useful for traveling in Japan while watching anime and videos. This site is offered in 18 languages.


    This is a useful web magazine for foreigners who want to know about Japan. The reports are by writers who actually go to the sites and write about what they experienced.

  • 外国人児童・生徒用日本語テキスト 「たのしいがっこう」

    Here you can view - in 23 different languages - expressions and vocabulary often used in 10 typical scenes of Japanese school life.

  • Japanese in Anime & Manga

    This is a site where you can have fun learning Japanese in action, in anime and manga. It's filled with contents and categories including character expressions, ninja kanji, onomatopoeia, and love word.

  • "Erin's Challenge! I Can Speak Japanese." Contents Library

    Watch international student Erin, the main character in the DVD learning series "Erin's Challenge! I can speak Japanese" in various scenes through her experiences at a Japanese high school.


    This is a site where you can find out various things about Japanese cooking. There is a guide to some restaurants and a number of recipes too.

  • CARLA : Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition

    You can find out some cultural differences between Japan and your own country as you consider Japanese culture and society while answering the questions posed on this site.


    This is a site compatible with the “Marugoto: Japanese language and culture” textbooks and you can study not just Japanese and learn about Japanese culture, but also learn about other cultures.

  • MARUGOTO Plus Elementary 2 (A2)

    You can enjoy learning with videos and quizzes on Japanese language and culture in line with the contents of the coursebook, MARUGOTO: Japanese Language and Culture, which conforms to the JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education.   

  • Things To Do

    This is the website of Japan's National Tourism Organization. Here you can find lots of information related to Japan and Japanese culture alongside photographs.

  • International University of Japan “Lesson For Useful Expression in Japanese”

    This is a series of videos to help beginners learn Japanese. There are 10 videos showing sequences in a story style to help you easily learn how a dialogues between two people are spoken.

  • Japanese Cuisine - Cooking Japanese Food at Home

    Introduces a variety of Japanese household cuisine with pictures.

  • 世界の国旗(National Flags of the World)

    Lets you search for world flags and obtain basic information about that country.

  • The Japan Forum

    This is a site managed by The Japan Forum with the aim of promoting "learning and exchange in language and culture". Contents include 'Student Exchange', 'Japanese Language Education', 'Chinese Language Education' and 'Korean Language Education'.

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