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NHK WORLD-JAPAN Easy Travel Japanese
On this site you can watch episodes of "Easy Travel Japanese", aired on NHK WORLD-JAPAN TV, for free. You can learn that "one phrase" that is useful for travelers in Japan.
Shuukatsu Jumpstart
This is a Japanese language learning site to help international students who are looking for employment in Japan find jobs through the hiring process where companies simultaneously recruit new graduates.
Japanese Pronunciation Laboratory
This site teaches you the characteristics of Japanese pronunciation.You can learn with ease by listening carefully to the audio, then after you grasp the characteristics of the pronunciation, imitate the sounds.
Nihongo Kikusasaizu!
Here's a site you can practice listening to beginner-level Japanese and enjoy watching anime at the same time.The anime depicts the daily life of university students in Canada. The Japanese used is based on Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese.
This is a language learning Q&A site where you can ask and answer questions with native speakers of more than 170 countries.
しごとのにほんご Easy Japanese for Work
In this website based on Easy Japanese for Work broadcast on NHK WORLD - JAPAN, you can learn Japanese that is useful for work.
This site in English, is mostly about travel and filled with information on Japanese life and culture! Find a great deal of information about different parts of Japan.
Learn Japanese from the News
Learn Japanese used in the news and learn about what's in the news.Practice conversing about the content.
用例.jp Japanese Example Sentence Search Book
When you want to look up ways to use words, is an engine that can get you example sentences using those words.
NHK WORLD-JAPAN Essential Japanese
This is a collection of clip videos produced by. NHK WORLD-JAPAN.In a short period of time, you can learn simple phrases used in daily life.
ひきだすにほんご Activate Your Japanese! Content Library
Japanese language learners who want to live and work in Japan can enjoy acquiring strategies to maximize their Japanese language skills while watching videos.
Kodomo no Nihongo Library Booklet Teaching Materials
This site is designed to support Japanese language education for non-Japanese children living in Japan and provides information on resources such as teaching materials that can be used in on-side instruction.
Nihongo Work
This is a site that offers many worksheets designed by licensed practicing psychiatrists for non-Japanese school children to learn Japanese for free.
Furigana Bunko
You can search vocabulary and look up examples of usage from the "furigana" of works published in the Aozora Bunko.
"Nijiiro" Rainbow Color
This is a website that provides information to those who want to study in Japan and those who are currently studying in Japan.
ルビ振りひらがな変換 (rubi hiragana conversion)
This is a site where you can easily convert sentences with mixed kanji and kana to all hiragana, with one click.
Wanna Use Japanese!
This is a site where you can practice your reading, writing, and listening skills in the Japanese that is part of your daily life in Japan.
NHK WORLD-JAPAN やさしい日本語(Easy Japanese) Conversation lessons
This website was created in conjunction with the NHK World-Japan radio program (supervised by the Japan Foundation Japanese International Center). Enjoy learning phrases and grammar useful for traveling in Japan while watching anime and videos. This site is offered in 18 languages.
NHK WORLD-JAPAN やさしい日本語(Easy Japanese) Grammar lessons
This is the website for NHK's Radio Japan language-learning program, which offers Japanese lessons in an audio drama format with language support for 17 different countries.
On this website, you can learn beginner level Japanese grammar and basic Japanese vocabulary in English, through podcasts that come with transcripts.
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